If you obtain your V-Ray license from a license server on another computer, make sure your operating system’s firewall or the firewall on the license server computer is not blocking TCP port 30304.If you have your license on a hardware USB dongle, make sure the dongle is plugged in and the dongle drivers are installed.To log in with the correct account click on “Online licensing” -> Enable / Sign In If you’re logged in with the wrong username navigate to “Online licensing” button->Deactivate/ Sign Out to log off. Make sure you’re using the username that’s associated with your purchased license or a trial license. If you use online licensing (obtain the license over the internet) you need to be logged in with your Chaos Group username in the license server menu.If the license server is working correctly, you should be able to see your licenses when you open an internet browser on the license server computer and navigate to its status page – Check if you have the license server installed.If you receive this error, check the topics below, relevant to your license setup: This error indicates a problem with V-Ray’s interface license’s availability.